Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blog Entry 7: The Truman Syndrome Revision

               The passage "Truman Show Syndrome: Why people think they're living in a reality show by, Colin Lecher tells us about how and why people think they're living in a reality show. Author said that, " People have always imagined things that aren't real-our culture just changes what those things are". On a New Yorker article, one question was asked based on the " Truman Show". The question was "What do you do when delusions and paranoia look an awful lot like the real world? "This is very hard for me to believe, but some people really do believe or extremely like to live in a show life, examples are  "Big Brother" or " Truman Show". Some people love to be in a t.v. show, because they want to become famous and for others its only way of living their unhappy life.
            I remember watching "Big Brother" when it first aired on t.v. I believe most people have watched it or heard about it. Back in the day it was very popular, and the people who were in it later became in some way famous or popular. Each person who followed the show had his or her admirer. This show was on t.v every night and we were watching their daily lives on live t.v. The contestants had to perform tasks and group activities to gather points in order to win the show. Every month one of the participant of this show had to go home because of earning less points. People who were watching were able to send a text message for the person they wanted to win. Some of these people in the realty show would argue about all kinds of issues between them , also sometimes fights were involved to protect themselves or to become famous. I think, some of these people haven't realized how deep this show took them to do anything in order to become whoever they wanted. They had lost their mind, sense of controlling themselves, got different personality and they don't know how to live outside , in the real world.
           The movie "Truman Show" illustrated the reality extremely well. This movie is about people who know that they are in the reality show and about one man named Truman. He has been there his whole life without know it what is going on around him. These people liked this idea to be in this show and agreed to perform their daily activity, any given task and they were very happy for it. They were told what to say, do and also they had their fake family. Truman was involved in this fake family world, he wasn't happy in his life, he always wanted to explore world go beyond the city. Truman wanted to take his wife with him but she always disagreed with him by giving him all kinds of excuses. Every time he wanted to do something, it was taken away from him, because always something happened on his way when he was ready to pursue. He had no idea that everything around him is unreal, and he has been watched by others people in the real world. He did find out, he was watching people around him. Everyone's daily life has been the same each day, everything became very strange for Truman. He ran away from this world , ready to explore the real one. He made his own decision about his life, and he spoke up for himself. He faced the fear, and did not give up. He wanted to live a normal life, to have real family and love. His dream became true and he entered the real world with a big smile.
          Today's world is surrounded by famous people, big reality stars , music stars, and much more to count. Many people wish for a little bit of this good life or to be the like super star from their famous reality show which they watch every evening. My opinion is that this crazy wealthy life is not needed to be happy in life and to move on step higher. The most important is to be real and have family around us who love us for who we are , and to give love back. Its okay to want things, but we have to be very careful what we wish for, too much of it is not healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Evelyn. Was your claim why do people think they're living in a reality show? I like the examples of the shows you gave us. But i didnt quite get the relationship between the shows and what you were trying to proove in the essay. You gave a summary about one of the movies.
